I am an artist and designer currently residing in Toronto who loves telling stories.
Human brains are evolutionarily wired to seek out stories. From the earliest humans sharing accounts of what berries are safe to eat, to the interactive, transmedia, alternate reality fiction that social media has played host to in more recent years, humans need stories. My work centers on narrative storytelling. What is the history of a brand? What is the story behind a still photograph? What does a fine art piece say about both the artist and the audience that views it? These are questions I focus on when creating.
My work takes many forms. Graphic design, video, audio, traditional print media, and photography are only a few of my favorite mediums. On this website you will find the highlights of these mediums. My choice of medium all depends on the story I am trying to tell in that piece and finding the best way to tell it. I invite you to explore my website and view each piece from a different medium as a different way of creating a narrative.
I am currently available for hire, with a special interest in working in branding or within the music industry. I love fonts and color psychology, and each design I make carefully considers the message and identity story that a brand wants to communicate. Music has always been a passion of mine, and I want to be a part of creating the visual world of great music.